Many thanks go out to our congregation and friends in Washington Grove, whose generosity enabled us to purchase and stuff 39 Christmas stockings for children in transitional housing in Gaithersburg this past 2020 holiday season . Each stocking was custom made to fit the child's age and preferences and then safely delivered to the distribution point. Planning to make this an annual event.
You are never too old, too tired or too busy to remember the poor and needy. When we shop we remember to purchase extra items of non-perishable food which are then delivered to "Gaithersburg Help" to assist in feeding our less fortunate neighbors.
Food collected in the community is delivered to St. Martins food pantry who has seen the needs increase in response to the Covid19 pandemic.
In late August, we load up brand new backpacks with all the school supplies necessary for a great beginning to the school year. These backpacks go to needy students at our local elementary school. We also volunteer in helping the school in numerous other ways.
We support homeless shelters in Montgomery County with clothing and other supplies, plus fill Christmas stockings for children in transitional housing.
We care deeply about racial justice and are involved in programs to address racism through voting rights and educational change.
We are inclusive and welcome persons of every gender identity, racial or ethnic background, sexual orientation, and physical or mental ability into full participation into the life of our faith community.
We help financially support the worldwide humanitarian relief provided by the Methodist Church in the face of natural disasters and any form of human suffering. UMCOR is currently providing humanitarian aid to residents of Louisiana impacted by hurricanes Delta, Laura and Zeta. A grant to EL REFUGIO is helping provide support for families of immigrants detained at our borders. UMCOR is helping build fresh water collection systems for three healthcare facilities in East Congo.